The temperatures do a quick change from warm to cool to cold. Many of us rejoice at the sight of snow, as we can now indulge in our favorite winter activities (hello, ski slopes!). However, the change in temperature can be brutal and cause dry skin. Especially if you are visiting from a warmer destination, you may go into a bit of an epidermal-shock when the cold air hits you. Colder weather absorbs heat from your body, leaving you shivering on the inside and out. The good news is that you can take preventative measures to counteract winter’s war on your skin care routine. Below are five tips for how to protect your skin from winter weather and still enjoy all that the Canadian outdoors has to offer this season!
Careful with the Thermostat
We know, the snowy mountain backdrops are an idyllic setting to cozy up in front of a fireplace and enjoy a warm beverage. We tend to spend more time indoors during the winter. As the temperature outside drops it is tempting to turn up the heat inside. However, you can actually do more damage to your skin by keeping your space TOO warm. Warmer air dries out the skin, so before you crank that thermostat double-check you are dressed appropriately inside. If you can throw on a sweater and feel good, do it! It is definitely worth the skin woes to leave the temperature a few degrees lower. For those of you who can’t stand to feel a chill and HAVE to have your space warm, there is another option. Run a humidifier! It’s hard to humidify an entire home, so sleep with one in your bedroom or in a common space. This can help alleviate the dryness caused by the heat.
Avoid HOT Water Exposure on Dry Skin
No one will argue that after a long day on the slopes, a dip in a hot jacuzzi or a scalding shower feels wonderful. But, we want you to know that exposing your skin to extreme water temperatures only helps dry it out faster. Instead, once you get indoors let your body warm up a bit. When you hit the showers, opt for warm water instead of hot. The warm water will still feel good on your tired muscles. Plus, you’ll be saving yourself from dry, itchy skin later!
Use Serums for Deep, Long Lasting Hydration
Use a serum that contains Hyaluronic acid. This acid is not the “exfoliating” kind you might be thinking. Instead, this serum pulls moisture from the air and holds 1000 times its weight in water! This acid helps boost your skin’s hydration throughout the entire day, which in these colder months, your skin definitely needs!
If your skin is feeling extremely sensitive, use a serum that contains hyaluronic acid plus ginger and red hogweed. These are excellent ingredients to calm and soothe dry, chapped skin. We love the UltraCalming Serum Concentrate from Dermalogica in the cooler months. This powerhouse not only boosts hydration, but also tackles red, sensitive and irritated skin!
If your skin is not sensitive, but simply feeling uber-dry, then you should consider an oil based serum combined with a cream that contains hyaluronic acid.
If you’re not sure which is best, call us for a complimentary skin consultation so we can help you choose the best serum for your unique skin!
Protect Your Barrier with a Quality Moisturizer
Following your serum, make sure you moisturize! In the winter, you may find you prefer a slightly richer moisturizer than in summer. The main purpose of a moisturizer is to prevent transepidrmal water loss from you skin, or TEWL as us skin therapists call it! Moisturizer protects your skin from not only losing water that the serum has fought hard to retain, but also protects your skin from the outside elements, such as the cold, dry winter air. Now, remember, you still must wear your SPF, especially if you are skiing! Did you know that you are even more at risk of burning your skin on a cold, sunny day on the hill than when you’re at the beach? The sun’s reflection off the snow is powerful, so be sure to wear that SPF all year round!
Protect Your Lips from Dry Skin
One of the hardest-hit areas during the winter are your lips. The layers of skin on your lips are thinner than the rest of your face, which means they are often the first to dry out. This is a major problem if you are a habitual lip-licker, as saliva dries out the lips as well. This season, don’t leave your place without applying an effective SPF-containing lip balm or chapstick. If you are planning on being outside most of the day, be sure to keep this life-saver in your pocket and reapply often. In fact, because of how easily your lips can dry out, it is a good idea to keep your lip balm with you wherever you go this season!
If you are visiting the Whistler, B.C. area this winter, welcome! We are so excited for you to experience the winter wonderland and enjoy all that our ski-famous town has to offer. While out and about, if you find your skin needs a little TLC stop by Whistler Day Spa and experience one of our facials. We have multiple estheticians on staff who would love to help you find your glow again. Reach out to us for a consultation or to set up an appointment! Your appointment also gives you access to the Pan Pacific Village Centre Hotel’s hot tub, pool, and sauna before or after your service. You can book your appointment online or call us at 604.966.4462 if you have more questions. We look forward to sharing our community and our talents with you! Happy trails!